These beautifully designed resources, created by an expert coach, English teacher and GCSE examiner, will save you hours of time in preparation, support the rapid development of key English skills for students and facilitate high levels of GCSE success. Key Stage 4 success builds on success at Key Stage 3 some some Key Stage 3 resources are also included! Look out for some great planners too!
These beautifully designed resources, created by an expert coach, English teacher and GCSE examiner, will save you hours of time in preparation, support the rapid development of key English skills for students and facilitate high levels of GCSE success. Key Stage 4 success builds on success at Key Stage 3 some some Key Stage 3 resources are also included! Look out for some great planners too!
A really practical and helpful format for a Head of Year annual plan which will help enormously with staying on top of the wide range of areas of work. Five pages complete with actions, success criteria etc.
Adapt to you school’s needs.
A really helpful at a glance checklist, term by term
to assist you in planning ahead and thriving as a head of year.
Adapt to your own school requirements.
Being a Head of Year is one of the most important roles in a secondary school. Nothing is more important than a student’s wellbeing and safety. It’s also one of the very busiest jobs in a secondary school. Included in this bumper bundle is
a head of year check list for a full year
a comprehensive ebook on how to become and outstanding head of year and
a detailed head of year planner
This amazing 100 page planner, will make your job at least ten times easier by allowing you to record and track vital information. Scribbling in the corner of a diary just won’t do! To be a truly great Head of Year (HoY), you must be organised. A simple note book won’t be enough. You need something which will effortlessly help you to
note appointments with students, parents and teachers
-note what needs to be followed up by tutor group
-note which students are on which type of report and for how long
-note key data analysis outcomes and
note key information for staff briefings
in a truly systematic way!
Key information at you finger tips is the secret to staying on top of your work and thriving.
The planner is created in three separate documents so you don’t carry around a whole year’s worth of information! One term at a time is enough!
Save nearly 20% by buying this bundle!
An amazing streamlined A4 planner for six period days, which will skyrocket your efficiency. Plan in just enough detail a term at a time. Why carry around a whole year’s worth of planning. Each lesson planning page has a header which helps you to remember key meetings each day. This super planner is not dated but lesson planning pages are named by the day of the week. Each lesson planning page has space to note resources required and whether homework is due in or out and has a space for notes at the bottom. There are enough planning sheets for a seven week half term in each document.
This outstanding planner is suitable for those at schools with a six period day and a maximum of five lessons per class. An additional planning page for general work is also included where you can note key priorities and to dos for the week. No fillers in this planner - just all you really need.
A homework tracker which is fully editable is included as a separate word document which you can paste classlists into e.g. from Excel files downloaded from SIMs. The term dates sheet as well as the Excel seating plan is also fully editable.
Simply print double-sided in colour as it is. No need to mess around with duplicating pages! Add plastic sheets back and front and wire bind or hole punch and place in a ring binder.
Add additional sheets as you see fit!
front and back pages
personal details and goals page
Space for key events in September, October, November
and December
14 weekly overview planning sheets
14 weekly general planning for key priorities sheets
14 weeks worth of daily lesson planning sheets
Passwords sheets
Homework Record and Tracker
Term Dates
Seating plan
Free year planner
A free personalised Spring term planner for the first two to review! Just screenshot your review in your email to, confirm your name to go on the front of the planner and forward a copy of your timetable!
Spring and Summer Term planners 2024 to be uploaded shortly!
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This planner is a creation of The Education Partnership Co Ltd and is distributed under a SINGLE USER LICENSE. Reproduction, transmission or distribution to individuals, teachers, schools or entities without written permission from The Education Partnership Co. Ltd is strictly prohibited.
Being a Head of Year is one of the most important roles in a secondary school. Nothing is more important than a student’s wellbeing and safety. It’s also one of the very busiest jobs in a secondary school. This well thought out 103 page planner, will make your job at least ten times easier by allowing you to record and track vital information. Scribbling in the corner of a diary just won’t do! To be a truly great Head of Year (HoY), you must be supremely organised. A simple note book or standard diary won’t be enough. You need something which will effortlessly help you to
note appointments with students, parents and teachers before during and
lesson times
note what needs to be followed up by tutor group
note which students are on which type of report and for how long
note your priorities for your HOY and teaching work
note key websites and passwords
note key student outcomes by tutor group for punctuality and attendance
note key year group information for staff briefings
in a truly systematic way! Key information at you finger tips is the secret to staying on top of your ever expanding work and thriving. This small investment in a tailor-made planner will help you stand out as an organised professional and proficient HOY.
The planner is created in three separate documents so you don’t carry around a whole year’s worth of information! One term at a time is enough! This is the autumn term planner. Print and spiral bind with a plastic cover or hard book bind and you are good to go.
Being a Head of Year is one of the most important roles in a secondary school. Nothing is more important than a student’s wellbeing and safety. It’s also one of the very busiest jobs in a secondary school. This well thought out planner, will make your job at least ten times easier by allowing you to record and track vital information. Scribbling in the corner of a diary just won’t do! To be a truly great Head of Year (HoY), you must be supremely organised. A simple note book or standard diary won’t be enough. You need something which will effortlessly help you to
note appointments with students, parents and teachers before during and
lesson times
note what needs to be followed up by tutor group
note which students are on which type of report and for how long
note your priorities for your HOY and teaching work
project planner - NEW!
Diary page with four sections to plan for study, personal, teaching and HOY work- NEW
meeting note pages - NEW
note key websites and passwords
note key student outcomes by tutor group for punctuality and attendance
note key year group information for staff briefings
in a truly systematic way! Key information at you finger tips is the secret to staying on top of your ever expanding work and thriving. This small investment in a tailor-made planner will help you stand out as an organised professional and proficient HOY.
The planner is created in half term units so you don’t carry around a whole year’s worth of information! One term at a time is enough! This is the Spring half term 2 planner. Print and spiral bind with a plastic cover, print as an A4 Booklet or hard book bind and you are good to go.
Under the new Ofsted requirements, for schools to remain or become outstanding, their leadership teams must be outstanding. This quick to read and easy to understand yet profound guide will help you identify how your team can play to its strengths and develop so tha t your team becomes a dream team and gets the ofsted grading it deserves.